Monday, December 15, 2014

Confessions of an overwhelmed Autism mom: Take one

I know you all look at me and think, she has her "stuff" together, but I have to tell you IT'S A LIE!  I am just an Overwhelmed Autism Mom, just like all my other Autism friends.  I might, some days pull it off better, but no still JUST A MOM, and still just an overwhelmed one at that.

That being said, I have a Confession...

This might (I mean will) be one of those years where only my husband's relative's get Christmas cards. I will say in 10.5 years of being an autism mom I have only gotten them out maybe the LAST 2 years.  And at that I cheated. (Yep fully admit to cheating!)  I sent one to everyone who sent one, the day after the one they sent, ARRIVED.  (The audacity, I know but hey, I am honest)
I apologize in advance to everyone who already sent us one!!!

It is December 15th and I have not purchased any and our annual Santa pics won't be available until later in the week. I honestly don't see me following through with any cards. It has been a long month and its only the 15th December!  I don't even seeing this year being a "I'll send you one, if I get one kind of year!"

Some of you might think, why is she saying this.  I will tell you why, because most others will not and I want all those other autism parents who are overwhelmed to know you are normal and, IT IS OK TO NOT SEND CARDS! I give you permission to accept that!
Will that take away the talking behind your back in your family, because you dared to not send one? 
NO! It will just absolve you from taking on the guilt they try to lie on your feet for admitting you can't do one more thing.

IT IS OK TO NOT SEND CARDS! I give you permission to accept that!
From one Overwhelmed Autism Mom to another, You are NORMAL.  Carry on.  Continue the good fight for your kid/our kid and don't take on your families guilt for admitting your boundaries!!!
That is all! Until next time.

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